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A Funky Monday + Gravel for the LOVE of It

Today I am in a funk. I’m tired, bored, unmotivated, distracted, and also feeling guilty about it which doesn’t help. Despite my tendency to be hard on myself, I’m trying to remember that today is a Monday, a much needed rest day, and the second day of my period. It’s reasonable that I might be feeling foggy. Actually, it’s more than reasonable. It’s okay, healthy even. It’s something everyone experiences, and it’s certainly not worth worrying about. My body is asking for the rest it needs, so I’m giving myself permission to finish off the Harry Potter marathon I’ve started along with this jar of cookie butter. I share this anecdote about my mood today for two reasons. First, in keeping theme with my Test Test Fail post, my life isn’t always sunshine, bicycles, and butterflies. There’s too much content out there that constructs healthy, wealthy, perpetually positive, and totally unattainable lifestyles that make the rest of us humans feel inadequate. I’d rather share and learn just as much from the bad days as I do the good. Second, this general mood makes it a perfect day to write about an event I did yesterday that is organized by one of the most motivational humans I’ve ever met.


Coach Wendy You’ll know it’s power test day at Power Up cycling because Coach Wendy, adorned in a blue and white power tutu, is already cheering you on before you can get your bike through the door. The Wendy tutu package comes complete with a pre-test motivational speech, mid-test encouragement, cheering, towel replacement, and post-test congratulations and celebration. In the three years I’ve been training at Power Up with coach Wendy, I’ve never seen her give less than 110% for clients. When she’s not donning power test tutus and helping others train for their goals, Wendy is a bad-ass endurance gravel racer. She’s the first woman EVER to complete the Dirty Kanza 5 times. For those that don’t know, the DK is a 200 mile gravel race across Kansas, and it’s a pro-level event. Last year Cylance’s Ali Tetrick raced and won it.


Gravel for the Love of It Wendy shares her passion for bikes and for life with everyone. Two years ago, Wendy won payout at a gravel race and wanted to do something special with it. Instead of using her winnings to reward herself, as she totally could have, she donated them the LOVE Fund at her Daughters school. The LOVE fund is a resource for kids whose families are experiencing tough times. It gives a little love by paying for school lunches, field trips, etc. But that wasn’t enough for Wendy. She was so moved by the LOVE fund that she organized a gravel ride for charity and, in the first year, raised $2,000 of love. The Event. (Read Wendy's blog here) On Sunday morning January 7th, 31 saint Louis area cyclists (pictured below) gathered to grind gravel and give some love, despite freezing temps and a forecast for rain. Wendy told me at the end of the ride that some suggested to her on Saturday night that she should cancel. Her response? Hell no! In Wendy’s words, “As always, I decided to stick to my forecast of Partly sunny and 100% chance of gravel!”

Riders assembled at 8am in a car pool lot near Saint Charles, Missouri. Before embarking on one of three Wendy planned and approved routes, each rider donated what he or she could to the LOVE fund and in turn received raffle tickets for some legit sponsor swag, including a Lauf gravel fork. After a few announcements and the raffle drawing, riders took to the off road. I chose the 40 mile route, along with my former teammate and pal Amy and my training partner/best friend/he twin Jesse. It was my first gravel ride in over a year, and I had forgotten how beautiful it is to get completely absorbed in the woods. The day was filled with big smiles, pounding hearts, grueling climbs, dusty descents, hard pulls, and in the end, that awesome rider camaraderie that only comes after some serious miles of suffering, sweating, and mutual appreciation. Jesse and I had so much fun we added 20 bonus miles after completing the original route. It was SO GOOD to get outside. I’ve missed chasing Jesse up the steep Saint Louis style climbs.

And in the end, which forecast came to be? Was it the freezing rain and brutal temps? No. It was coach Wendy's prognostication of partly sunny with 100% gravel. So with that, happy Monday everyone. May your forecast for the week be a Wendy-style party sunny with 100% chance of awesome. But if it does turn into a cold, freezing drizzle recovery Monday type week, that’s okay too.

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