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Rider Interview: Maeve Plouffe
In the midst of her racing at the Tasmanian Carnivals, I got a chance to chat with Maeve Plouffe, a professional track cyclist in...

Lemon Chia Oatmeal Pancakes
Pancakes are easily one of my favorite foods. Light, fluffy, full of carbs, sweet but not too sweet.. they're perfect for me to digest...

Ease the Effort
In the off season, I relish in the ability to practice yoga regularly. One thing I’ve written about on my blog before is learning to...

Super Saint Louis
IT’S SEPTEMBER! I’m done with the road season. I’m taking two full weeks off the bike and after that only riding my bike when I feel like...

Taking on the National Time Trial: Wins without Victory
I’m still learning my strengths on the bike. Here's what I know so far: I’m more of an engine than a sprinter. As one of my teammates...

I’m thinking a lot lately about the various ways we connect as humans. If we’re each navigating our own world crafted by individual...

Fitness, Grit, Luck, and a Whole lot of Support
What does it take to get through a UCI stage race? We spend a lot of time documenting the grit, team tactics, fitness, and pure suffering...

Comfort v happiness
We too often mistake comfort for happiness. I read this phrase in a travel blog somewhere about six years ago, before I ventured out of...

Perfect isn't perfect: VOS
“For some time I thought of this word only in relation to being without fault or defect. Taught to believe that this understanding of...

What in the world is in that bag what you got in that bag?
Honorable mention to whoever recognizes the Ludacris song from my title this week (no google, that’s cheating). We’ve all had that oh...
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